Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My ideal project team member

The three qualities each member of my team will have, ideally:

1.) Reliable
This is critical.  I need someone who live by their word so I can count on them.  In a small team project like this one, the failure of one member could bring it all crashing down.  Without reliability, a person may as well be nothing at all.
2.) Adaptable
The only thing constant is change.  Ideally, the developer can quickly change his actions and thinking to cope with rapid change.  He should be able to think on their feet as conditions evolve or the worst-case scenario unfolds.
3.) Dedicated
The person has to have a strongest desire to succeed with this project.  This trait means that this person strives for excellence in everything he does, even those he dislikes or thinks he's weak at.  It also means he does not fold when things get a little dicey.

Three other qualities not in the top three, but which are also highly desirable:

4.) Creative
In the view of many, software engineering is as much an art as a science.  Often, the best solutions come from the more creative among the group.  Creativity in this context enables beautiful and novel solutions that a logical mind simply doesn't make on its own.
5.) Honest
This quality is important for the group to trust each other and communicate effectively.  If a team member feels there is a problem looming, they should say so even if it may offend another member (who, perhaps, is the cause).  An honest team member gives their true opinion, regardless of the politics of the group.
6.) Personable

This trait simply means the person is easy to get along with and can effectively communicate with others.  It almost warrants a slot in the top 3, but is not required for an awesome team member.  A likeable developer is a big plus when talking to customers or with the team.

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