Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Client meeting reaction - week of 3/3/14

Today's client meeting with Professor Ackley sort of felt like deja vu.

     We got to demo some stuff (mainly the web UI), but a lot of the things we wanted to demo were cut short.  Both Alan and David had some stuff they wanted to show but didn't get around to.  I wanted to explain why I chose MongoDB over the other two database systems I researched.  Part of what took so much time is that we were again talking about that damn text search box again.  The web UI has drop-down menus so a user can select their vehicle info (year, make, model, etc.) and a symptom they are having.  The text box is merely another interface to populate these text boxes; if you enter a search in the text box that leaves out critical info (e.g. symptom), the user will be prompted for the additional info.  I have suggested to the people on my team working on this section (David and Sonny) to implement the text box ASAP so we don't have to keep explaining or justifying it's presence and purpose.  I think it will show itself as a simple apparatus once it's functional and we can put this issue to rest, hopefully.

     For next week, everyone on the team is working on their interaction with the other components of the code.  In particular, we are all writing some kind of description of the events that occur during operation (what I'm calling an "interaction spec") and beginning to implement the described behavior.  In my personal case, I'm looking to complete the software detailed within my spec by the next client meeting (I already have a good chunk of it completed as of today).  I'm hoping the interaction specs and related software will make the bigger picture of what the project will look like and how it will function become much more clear for future client meetings, as well as within our group.

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