Monday, March 3, 2014

The Joel Test : Part 1

There's a software engineering blog I have read on and off for a while, found here:

A fellow at my work recently retired, and left some books behind.  Among them was a book by this same guy (Joel Spolsky) called "Joel on Software".  I was particularly interested in an article both present in the book and at the following link, called "The Joel Test: 12 steps to Better Code" :

It outlines 12 litmus-type tests that, according to him, indicate the health and productivity of a software development team.  I'm planning on following most of this advice with my own team, and have already implemented some of it (though some parts remain).  I'll discuss the first 6 tests here, and the latter 6 in a later post.

#1: Do you use source control? 

    This kind of seems like a no-brainer for a team project to me.  I've never done a team project without some kind of source control tool.  Sounds like a friggin' nightmare.  For this project, my team is using Git in conjunction with BitBucket.

#2: Can you make a build in one step?

     I feel as though this test will be a challenge to implement for us.  We are using several different technologies, including a remote MongoDB instance, Java code in conjunction with the Play web framework, and web stuff like HTML, CSS, and Javascript for the front end.  I intend to insist we can pass this particular 'Joel test'.  If we need some list of 15 things to re-bundle and create the software project, that's gonna stress everyone out and bog us down near the finish line.

#3: Do you make daily builds?

     I actually don't think this one applies to us as much.  For one, this project is not a full-time job for us, so daily builds are not really necessary.  However, I do think that once we are settled into our basic code base and our making improvements and adding features to it, weekly or bi-weekly builds would be nice.  Note that this test can really only be feasible if you can pass test #2.

#4: Do you have a bug database?

   This is a tool that we had not discussed before I brought up this article to the team.  I have seen bug-tracking programs in action, and have become a believer in them.  I was originally going to use a separate one (e.g. 'Buggle'), but it was pointed out to me that our BitBucket has a built-in system.  We'll see if that does the job when we get deeper into development.

#5: Do you fix bugs before writing new code?

     I will demand this from the team as much as possible.  If you're trying to add features on top of buggy code, you might as well be building a skyscraper on quicksand.  You'll also burn time debugging things that are the fault of already-buggy code, rather than the new code.

#6: Do you have an up-to-date schedule?

     We are currently failing this test, in my opinion.  Our schedule and milestones are evolving so rapidly that the written version is simply inaccurate.  I will be working to fix this soon.

Tests 7-12 to come in a later post.