Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I'll take it!

We got 2nd place, and I'm more than satisfied with that.

I was SUPER impressed with the presentations today.  I had written in my last post that I wasn't seeing the point of doing so many practice pitches.  It kind of 'clicked' for me as I was watching the final ones today.  I was seeing each group give a killer talk, and remembering pieces of their 1st and 2nd presentation attempts.  What a difference indeed!  I had almost no complaints about the presentations today, whereas in the first couple, I could have come up with decent lists of nit-pickings for most groups (including my own).  From watching the presentations today and going last, I really didn't think we would win 1st or 2nd.  I remember thinking, "wow.  These people are stepping up our game.  I feel kind of out of my league".  Honestly, it dialed up the pressure for me.  I was more nervous for this presentation than the in-class ones, and now I realize a lot of that was from watching a full round of them first to see what everyone else had brought to the table.

I hope the other groups don't take the opinion of the judges too seriously though.  I personally found some of the questions from the judges to the groups (including mine) to show a lack of understanding in some areas, or a difference of opinion on some things that I really didn't stand for.  After all, it's pretty hard to judge the quality of a software project/idea based on a 7-9 minute pitch.  It was nice to have good feedback from successful "adults" (whatever that means), though.

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