Saturday, April 5, 2014

Meeting notes and work log - 4/5

We had a pretty productive meeting today (about 3 hours).

We selected a new background image for the website.  Sonny is going to do the facelift we desperately need so it will identify more with our target audience (hobbyist mechanics).  I am planning to get together next week with a friend that's into photography to take a custom photo for our background.  I'm thinking something with my car, hood up, some tools laying around.  You know.  Mechanic type stuff.

We also discussed some bugs and new features we will implemented.  I showed the group my newly redesigned "no start" diagnostic tree, which they liked.  It has a higher branching factor so that it can be better pruned by Alan's prioritizing search, and has a consistent node numbering scheme (increasing in left-right depth-first search).  I implemented and double-checked (hell, quintuple-checked) the database record for this new tree; it is currently in a separate copy of the database though, because a bug has arisen from the new structure (the code was supposed to work with this structure, but has shown it doesn't currently).

As far as presentation materials, I filled out most of the Business Model Canvas so we could use it as a reference to make our one-sheet.  Sonny is working on the one-sheet with the highlights of that BMC document.  I made the short Powerpoint presentation (two slides - title/intro and technical components) and it's ready to go.  I now need to rehearse my talking points (I'm the main presenter for our pitch on Monday) and talk a bit more with the group about the flow (in particular, with my 'driver' Sonny).  I'm going to make note cards for this purpose; I saw a few people use them for the individual product pitches way back, and it seemed to help.

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