Saturday, April 19, 2014

Presentation plans, project next steps

I'm hoping the next project pitch will be noticeably better than the first.  To this end, we are going to use Prezi (which is pretty freakin sweet) rather than plain 'ol PowerPoint.  Our demo is now a 2-man operation: I will run through a diagnostic as a user (no graph display or anything on the side, just answering questions like normal), then Alan is going to use a combination of the program and a Prezi show to show how his greedy graph search makes intelligent choices.  Overall, I think our presentation is going to be more smooth and interesting with the use of Prezi as a guide in the background.  I also think it's going to help me stay on point and get all of my points across.

On the project side, we're chugging along, but I'm growing more concerned about the amount of stuff we're slated to do before projects' end.  We have user logins, but need to add security to them; also the actual functionality of user accounts (such as saving the location of a user in a traversal) is not implemented.  We also said we are going to add a mechanism for users to add comments to QuestionStates; I have written the storage backend for that, but the UI has not been written (it has been started).  We still do our development and demos running locally, and I'm getting worried that a deployed version of the site will have unforeseen issues.  We have deployed and ran it before, but not steadily.  I think these things are all going to work out, but I guess this is one of those parts of the process where the pressure and stress builds.

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